10 June 2024

We’re Back: Rediscovering Purpose and Confidence at Skinny Talk

Hey there wonderful souls ⭐️,

Long time no see! I’ve been a bit MIA, and I think it’s high time I shared what’s been happening behind the scenes... Skinny Talk style.

When I first launched Skinny Talk’s website, I had high hopes and a head full of content ideas. But then... crickets. Life happened, and I found myself on an emotional rollercoaster, from imposter syndrome and lack of confidence to wanting to hide away, and slowly stepping back into the light—yep, the whole shebang.

For a while, there wasn’t much happening at all. It took some serious self-talk to remember why I became the Boss of Moi, the core message I wanted to share, and how much I wanted to help you shine and thrive.

Reflecting on the Journey

So, after a Skinny Talk with myself, being brutally honest and positively reflecting on where I am today, how I got here, and the importance of moving forward, I finally found the clarity to type these words you’re reading right now. Here are some key points I realized:

  • My once rock-solid habits had completely dissolved.
  • My work ethic was on autopilot, leaving me disengaged.
  • My drive and focus had evaporated, stripping away my confidence.

Clearly, something had to change. I needed to start with small, manageable steps. Oh, how I wished for a fairy godmother to wave her wand and fix everything instantly! But what I needed wasn't a return to "normal"—I needed to rediscover my purpose. Why do I do what I do? What’s my end game? The answer remains unchanged since I started my journey as a freelancer and business owner: to lead confidently through core values and support you in reigniting your confidence to communicate and live by those values.

Looking Forward with Skinny Talk

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg...

What you’ll find here at Skinny Talk in the coming weeks, months, and years will help you to:

  • Communicate and present with confidence.
  • Implement sustainable habits for mental and physical wellness.
  • Build confidence in professional settings.
  • Develop strategies for personal and professional growth.
  • Balance work-life in a hybrid working environment.
  • Revisit and create your personal brand.

I'll be right here with you, sharing best practices, hard-learned lessons, and even some ugly truths.

Here's to a New Beginning

So, let's pick up where we left off. I’m excited to embark on this renewed journey with you. Let’s empower you to communicate, grow, and achieve your vision of success with unwavering confidence.

I’d love to hear from you in the comments: How have you overcome your career and personal challenges? Let’s learn from each other and grow together.

Speak soon,


We’re Back: Rediscovering Purpose and Confidence at Skinny Talk

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