About me

Hi, I’m Sophia - your guide to leading confidently through your core values.

Life can feel overwhelming when our decisions don't align with our core values, both personally and professionally. Especially in this new normal, work-life balance has been put to the test, leaving us seeking ways to cope and manage change.

I've been there too... In 2017, I faced a personal crisis that led me to reevaluate how I can use my passion to help others and show up as my best self. That's when I decided to become the CEO of "moi" in January 2018.

My mission is to equip you with the tools needed to lead confidently through your core values. You deserve to be the same authentic and confident person at work and at home, and it all starts with a strong foundation - your core values.

As a certified Coach, Learning and Development Practitioner and Facilitator, with nearly 20 years of international experience in Sales and Learning and Development, I've had the opportunity to work with various leaders and understand their visions, aspirations, and challenges.

Here’s how I can help you lead through your core values:

  • Define your own version of success.
  • Create a blueprint with your unique ingredients.
  • Design a lifestyle based on healthy and sustainable habits to elevate your confidence.

Let's stop waiting and start making an impact instead. Change is possible, and now is the time to show others the way.

Some fun facts about me:

  • Half Moroccan - half Portuguese, born and raised in Belgium.
  • I created my freedom-based lifestyle in 2018, moving from the UK to Belgium, Sicily, and finally Portugal.
  • Proud rescue dog mom and unicorn enthusiast.
Let's embark on this journey together. Start now and lead confidently through your core values

About me

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