10 November 2023

Escape Room of the Soul

Just like in an escape room, in the daily grind, we're often given riddles to solve. One of the most mysterious puzzles? Finding out what truly matters to us. We don’t often give ourselves the opportunity to sit and think about what it is that truly matters to us…But that has changed now, as we’re going to walk into this escape room together.

The rooms we're about to enter are a bit more personal – they’re the rooms of self-reflection, and the treasures hidden inside are your core values.

Before jumping straight into it, let’s read your escape room’s briefing first.

Mission Briefing: The Great Escape to Self-Discovery

Explorer, as you embark on this unique escape room challenge, you won't just be unlocking doors; you'll be unlocking the very essence of you. This isn't your typical escape room, where you search for clues under cushions or decipher cryptic messages on walls. No no…here the setting is your own psyche. And the challenges? They're designed to bring you face-to-face with your core values.

Prepare to embark on this personal quest, for what awaits isn’t just an exit from a room, but rather a passage to understanding your confident self better…

Eager to navigate the twists, turns, and treasures within? The doors are open; all you need is the courage to step in.

Envisioning Your Valuescape: Crafting the Vision of Your Inner Self

  • Igniting Reflection: Picture a dimly lit room, the walls decorated with ancient manuscripts and mysterious symbols. In the center of the room, a table is covered with jigsaw pieces. As you move closer, you realize each piece holds memories, feelings, beliefs — fragments of you.
  • Guiding Insights: Core values aren't just ideals penned down in corporate brochures; they're the guiding principles that shape our decisions, behaviors, and relationships. They're what make you cheer in agreement or protest in disagreement
  • Empowering Actions:
    • Memory Lane: Reflect on the past. Think of moments when you felt extremely proud or completely shattered. What was happening, and why did you feel that way? These moments often highlight our core values.
    • Role Models: Think about people you deeply respect. It can be a family member, a friend, a colleague. What qualities do they have that you admire? Often, these are a reflection of the values you hold dear to your heart.
    • Dreamscaping: If you were the architect of an ideal world, what foundations would you lay? This vision reflects your core values.

The Introspection Chamber: Reflective Questions for Discovery

  • Sparking Curiosity: As you step into this room, the walls appear as a giant chalkboard filled with intriguing questions, with some seeming to glow more brightly...waiting to reveal hidden paths in your mind's garden.
  • Core Revelations: The quest for self-reflection is ongoing, but it often starts with asking those questions that make you pause, and take time to answer them because they take you to a whole new place. These reflective questions aren't just to probe, but to illuminate the beliefs and values embedded in our mind.
  • Empowering Actions:
    • Questionnaire Time: Block out some time for a quiet evening. Snuggle up in the couch with a comfy blanket, together with your fur-baby. Take something to write so it functions as your journal. Allow yourself to answer questions like:
      •  When was the last time I felt most like the real version of me?
      •  What activities make me lose track of time?
      •  Which global issues make me cringe?
Escape Room of the Soul

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